Saturday, 27 August 2011


Hamster: This lively pet hamster will keep you company throughout the day. Watch him run on his wheel, drink water, and eat the food you feed him by clicking your mouse. Click the center of the wheel to make him get back on it.

Friday, 26 August 2011

new here . ,

haa ! AKHIRNYE !! suda brjye wt blog ! haa , bangge2. .  ak nk laa  ad blog jgk ! sebok2 ,,haha 
mlu nk publish kt fb , c0z blog ak ni ks0ng ag ! . . ta reti laa  nk lawa2  kn cm blog 0wg len , 
xtually , ak suke gile tgk blog NASYAMILA , MCHAM IZ PUNYE , n 0thers. . 
ok laa beb ! smpai sni je la dlu . . saye budak baru blaja , klau slah tlong2 la tnjukkn .. :p